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Generic resume for education 2023 September.docx


Inspiring the best within my students.  I delight in my student's uniqueness and joy.  Finding hope and inspiring little acts of virtue is the goal of my life with each individual becoming a better version of themselves.  People rub off on each other over time, and hopefully, I become a better educator and students become respectful and responsible human beings. Working towards state standards and fulfilling the stipulations of IEPs to help students grow to their full potential within a year is my goal as a teacher.  I look forward to speaking with you, and meeting you soon!

Field Experience, SEA, & Student Teaching

Recent Work

In the past 5 years, I have grown in working with individuals with exceptionalities.  From working with general education classrooms and as a substitute teacher to working individually with students as an aide or to support them in their needs throughout the day 100%, the experiences have been amazing!  The Chippewa Valley Area is teaming with amazing talent and students who are becoming the best versions of themselves while growing academically, musically, and in every way.  For me, helping teach virtues, or character traits has been my favorite area, and in my final placement, that was found and cultivated in social skills.  Those socio economic important soft skills to cover so everyone becomes aware of what is important for all human beings. 

Client 8


Recruitment Campaign

This is your client’s testimonial quote. It’s a great opportunity to give visitors a firsthand perspective of your services by sharing actual reviews from companies you’ve worked with in the past.

Client 2

Choose Katherine and Add A Unique Gift

Why Katherine?

"Katherine has the unique gift of igniting a spark of hope (and joy) in children's hearts...  Replacing the fears or the trauma.  With her caring, and always seeking the best student trust in her belief in them.  Children can do so little, compared with other children, but she transforms that into accomplishment... accomplishments  with gifts of satisfaction and acknowledgement.  Feeling like kids can succeed in the best way that they can, whatever that is.  She believes in her students.  Katherine encourages them to give their best, and do their best.  They are then proud of what they have matter what the ability level is.  This joy in living, this hope, this encouragement & affirmation for the dignity of the human person is refreshing and joyfully contagious.  These are the gifts that Katherine brings to teaching.  Being accepted and valued for who they are in this precious moment." (Alice Hunt 2024) 

Client 3

Let's Calm Down- Strategies

Breathe.  Count to 10.  Visualize something wonderful. Change your State. Is Pressure Needed? (Weighted Blanket?) 

The rubber meets the road here.  

A student is do you deal with what is flying in your direction?  Whether it is fists, or chairs, markers, or books, teachers are finding themselves caught in the middle of what often feels like a cyclone!  It is just an escalation.  All behavior is meant to communicate.  what is the student striving to communicate?  What is the need that is not at present being met?  Sometimes we can figure that out, and sometimes we cannot.  Working within the team, and collaborating, having something worked out ahead of time, helps.  Communicating quickly and clearly as to what is needed and when is key in Special Education.  Knowing the potential triggers, ahead of time, working through some strategies, maybe even discussions on diffusing with the parents ...what works at home?  How well and how fast?  What are the expectations?  These are critical questions... 


Every student is different.  Each need has to be addressed and discussed.  How, where, and with what least restrictive environment can a student be educated?  be reached?  These are the critical to manage the rest of those in the room and with what adult (s) ...that is another topic completely!

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